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Monday, December 12, 2011

Chronicles of the Warrior Princess: The Genesis (Update from 10/15)

Good  morning everybody,

    I have to say its amazing how much of a warrior our Isabel has been throughout this whole process.  Although Saturday she had the most amount of surgical procedures and officially started her Chemo recovery plan.  She was in her best mood since she came to Children's Tuesday night.  Its almost as if she have no doubt, and complete faith that this medicine will finally allow her to be the Isa we all fell in love with.  Yesterday she got to visit with all her abuelos and a handful of her tias.  She has been joking, smiling, singing, playing in bed, and playing with her IPAD.   I couldn't have asked for her to be in better spirits then she is now.  Its almost as if I can't even be sad because how well she's taken it.

Now I'm not naive enough to know that its still not a long road back to her Cancer being in remission.  But if the last two days are any indications of how she will be when she beats this Cancer.  It will give me the strength to be able to endure her hardest days.  Although I never wavered in my belief that she would beat this even on Tuesday & Wednesday when they weren't sure what exactly this was.  But the fact that their has been so much prayer & positive energy I know has given me the extra strength I need to fully support Isabel.  So keep sending prayers, keep sending us positive energy.  It is such a powerful thing that I know deep down Isabel feeds off it as well.  I truly believe that Isabel just is able to bring a smile to anybody she encounters.  What a wonderful thing to see nurses & doctors leave her room with a smile or happiness, because this little girl can still smile thru all of this.  They say what a difference a day makes but who knew it could have turned around 180 degrees.
Tuesday:  Not knowing what was making her right side droop and visually look like a mild stroke

Wednesday:  Knowing that she had some kind of mass in her brain, not knowing if it was just infectious growth, a tumor, a cancerous tumor, or something that
 could only be operated but not completely removed.  When the chief of neurology tells you that in all his years he never had seen a tumor of this complexity it makes you have  to think the worst even if only for a second.  But like I told Ivey the day the doctor showed us the MRI and the size, scope, and the complexity that this tumor had pushed against her brain stem, top of spinal cord, slightly around her cerebellum cortex, come around the side of her neck, and finally go to the back of her throat it could have been so much worse.  I have to be completely honest although a lot of people say that they always believed, I truly never for one second thought she couldn't beat this "Cancerous Tumor" that was trying to test the very essence of Isabel's angelic like spirit.  I had told Ivey that when she was younger they only gave her a 5% chance of her carrying a baby full term.  Fast forward to her being pregnant with Isabel and she didn't have any complications being able to deliver a beautiful baby girl.  So when this happened I had said to Ivey that she had a higher percentage of surviving this tumor then she did actually being born.  I will take those odds I had said.

Thursday:  After the CT Scans, various blood work, MRI, different neurological test it was concluded that she did in fact have Lymphoma.  On the surface that could have been devastating news.  But the fact that out of the four options they had given us this was the 2nd best one we could have hoped for.  A Cancerous Tumor that has and could be shrunken and dissolved by going thru Chemo.  The fact that she would probably not have to have brain surgery to take some out was a relief.  That's not to say that anything could be 100% certainty as far as needing surgery.  Because we knew what it was and that in the past Lymphoma was able to be treated mostly with Chemo was a sigh of relief.

Friday:  The day the Oncologist was ready to tell us exactly and in more detail which kind of Lymphoma she had.  Although all Lymphoma's have the basic Chemo treatment, the different kind would give more insight to the schedule of recovery.  So it was concluded that it was Lymphoma - Non Hod skins - Burkitt's - Sporadic.   This is a very rare form of Lymphoma and is found in less than 1% of all Lymphomas diagnosed in the United States.  After hearing this I told Ivey well..............we knew Isabel was special this just confirmed it lol.  We have been saying different positive mantra's to her through out this whole process.  I would ask Isabel "What's your last name............Santiesteban............and what are we............Isabel "strong and awesome".  Now we can add 1 in a million.

Saturday:  The beginning of her recovery process.  Around 10 am she was taken to the OR to have three procedures done.  The taking of Bone Marrow for testing, a Spinal Tap with an injection of Chemo in her spinal fluid, and finally a placement of a central line simply referred by the doctors and nurses as a Port.  Guess we should now call Isabel Neomins she was cranky.  I thought it was reasonable to assume this would be how it was.  But within half an hour she was back to her happy self.  Even her eyes looked as if they were happy and knew this was a means to an end.  Nurses and doctors have been so pleased and encouraged at how this little girl remains in good spirits.

So this is where we stand today.  As with the day she was born she is still the same Isabel as she has always been.  Except going through all this will only make her the best Isabel Marie Santiesteban she has ever been.  I wanted to just try and update as vividly as I could remember at this point.  But also I want to keep somewhat of an online journal to her journey.  Because I know its one that will want and need to be told.  So when I send out updates of this kind, feel free to forward this to as many people as you want.  Her name will be known simply because she is loved so much.

JP.S. - I take no responsibility for any grammatical errors lol

Thank you again for all your prayers, positive energy & support.

Aldo Alejandro Santiesteban III

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