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Monday, December 12, 2011

Chronicles of the Warrior Princess: Battling with the Fire Breathing Dragon (Update from 11/10)

Welcome back all.  This will have  been the 6th installment of the updates for Isabel.  I know they are  coming fewer and longer in between.  But work again has picked up so I  tend to forget to sit down and let out my thoughts.  I've finally  figured out how to more efficiently send out mass emails.  All this time  I should have created a "list" from my contacts.  Makes life a heck of a  lot easier.  That way I don't forget to add anyone.   Again if you would like me to add  anyone to the distribution list.  Just shoot me an email and I'll add  them to the list.  This is a story I don't mind telling or sharing.   Sometimes the hardest thing to talk about are the ones that can inspire  the most.  As a friend told me.....sometimes god brings those closest  who he wants to hear talk to him.  Anybody that really knows me I'm not  the most religious person.  I won't sit here and front and say this will  lead me to church.  But I'm glad that their are strong believers and  church going people supporting Isabel and sending her that love.  So  this is the update from 10/30-11/5.  And yes the title is battle with  fire breathing dragon (know its not Papi's bad breath lol). So on to the update.  The euphoria  we felt when Isabel was walking herself out her room with a smile like a  Chester cat was priceless.  It was one of those made for a MasterCard  commercial.  Even the bleak drab hospital hallways looked a bit more  cheerful, as we strolled out the hospital like we had won this round.   For you see when you can walk out and have a cancer patient smiling and  joking its always a win.  So as we loaded Isa in her Mami's car I  snapped a shot telling Isabel "every time we leave the hospital you gotta  throw up the deuces lol"  that's the piece sign for clarification.  I  took my camera pic and set it instantly as my screen saver on my phone,  and went on my way.  As I drove home that night I almost didn't know  what to do with myself.  Rest yeah there was that, but I feared I had  gotten to use to something beeping.  How was I to sleep with no nurse  coming in every 2 hours.  If it wasn't the nurse it was the tech  checking vitals, if not the tech the housekeeping.  I got good at faking  I was awake when a nurse or tech would come in if they needed to ask me  a question.  So there I was laying in bed not able to sleep, all I  could think about was how Isa would do her first night HOME.  Eventually  I think around 2-3 i was able to doze off.  First thing in the morning  texted Ivey to see how are little Warrior Princess was doing.  To my  surprise she woke up the house wanting to play and for a lack of a  better word being "Isa".  Nothing could have started my Sunday off any  better.  I was planning on visiting after the Redskins game.  Silly me  though I fooled myself to thinking that Isa's positivity would transfer  to them lmao.  Such was not the case and the ended up getting shut out  23-0 (Ouch).  So as the game wrapped up I was getting ready to make my  way over to catch some rays of my sunshine.  But this is where the story  takes a turn and the story tale begins. When I called Ivey to tell her that  I was getting ready to head over, she said wait she has a fever.  Huh  she was just so happy she just came out the hospital, a fever already.   Just to back track a little bit when we were in the hospital when we  were being discharged they gave us a set of guidelines.  Things to look  out for and the number one thing was fevers.  For that could be a sign  of a more serious infection.  They even gave us a range that was  considered low grade, which would just require monitoring.  Or the high  grade believe anything above 101 warrants an immediate trip to the  hospital.  So back to Sunday night.  Ivey calls me and says Isa's temp  is 101.5.  My heart just sank because I knew what that meant........back  to the kids hospital.  But I asked if she took it twice.  In a  restrained panic voice Ivey said "Yes I checked it 3 times".   I told  her my famous words "calm down", call the ER to let them know a cancer  patient is coming and lets get there.  See when a child is under going  chemo they get "VIP" treatment cause its a safety risk to have them  waiting in the waiting room.  So as soon as we got there we got put into  a room.  Here comes the dreaded part they had to place her port back  in.  Which meant Isa was once against faced with her mortal enemy  adhesive bandages.   Add to the fact that she was upset and sad she had  to come back to the very same place she just left less then 24 hrs ago.   We all were trying to come to grips with it.  But in the back of my  head I was still calm figuring they would check her give her some  medicine and send us home.  This my friends is where the  villain of this story came into play.  The mighty fire breathing dragon  aka fever.  And he was intending on staying for alot longer then we  bargained for.  When the nurse came back and said that she had to be in  the hospital for 48 hours after they took her blood culture.  Ivey and  I'sa lot of checked temps every  hour and cold wash clothes on the head.  Also while this was going down  they were updating us on her white blood counts we were only at 300.  So  in our minds it like great here goes the week and weekend most likely.   But we still held out hope it would spike back up to normal levels and  she could get back to being at home.  So back to the day to day worry.   Every time that beep of the thermometer went off we eagerly awaited the  results.  "38.3" Ok and that means what in F........another spiking of  the fever.  Yay just what we wanted two more days of hospital food and  listening to TV through basically a big remote.  Isa though she made the  most of it.  She was doing a bit of homework (writing letters,  coloring, paint by numbers & the memory game) and save the best for  last puzzles.  But the one thing she loved most during her stay was  playing dominoes.  To be truthful she beat me straight up.  I want to fib  and say I did the daddy move and ease up let her get a few games.  Such  was not the case she beat me without me holding back. So finally by Thursday we started  hearing better news.  Her white blood count is 1200, such a vast  improvement.  But they still want to have her counts be higher to go  home.  With that news we relaxed a bit more thinking to ourselves  tomorrow could be the day she goes back home.  So Friday morning when I  awake to the doctors telling us that her white blood count was 2,200.   The tension just lifted right out the room.  We knew that she could  fight that fever and be ready to be home.  I would go on about the  hospital visit, but it was a boring week in that wasn't much  procedures.  Just blood drawn from the port and a medicine here and  there.  So I'll leave you with this.  Our  Isabel Princes Warrior had finally slayed the dragon.  And her support  group couldn't be happy to have her going back home Saturday October 4,  2011.  Who else would boss the girls at Ivey's house lol.  So it was a  hectic week since both our jobs had picked up, but we got thru it with  Isabel still smiling.  These are the days of our lives...........that  one was for the soap fans lol.  So once again thank you everybody for  the support, prayers, and positive thoughts.  Their always welcome and  appreciated.  Isa is home and loving it.  Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not  back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go  forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a  manly heart.

Sincerely  grateful
 Aldo A Santiesteban III

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